classic ford mustang
July 26, 2019

The September “Rod Runs”, as we refer to in local parlance, is actually two different Rod Runs that we have running one week and then another. If you’ve been to the Spring Rod Run in Pigeon Forge, it’s basically that except with double the length.

The first Rod Run is the Shades of the Past Rod Run (September 6th to September 7th, 2019) and the Fall Rod Run (September 12th to September 14th, 2019) begins the next week. Shades of the Past Hot Rod Roundup When: Sep 06, 2019 to Sep 07, 2019 Where: Dollywood’s Splash Country, Fall Rod Run When: Sep 12, 2019 to Sep 14, 2019 Where: LeConte Convention Center A spectacular 3-day event for any car enthusiast! $8000.00 cash giveaway, Top 25 Awards, Ultimate 5 Awards and King of the Hill. Huge swap meet with hundreds of show cars

pigeon forge rod run

What to expect for the September Rod Runs?

* Thousands and thousands of the most awesome, souped up automobiles you’ve ever seen. In every facet you can imagine.
* Those same cars parading down the streets and parked on parking spots along the main downtown parkway.
* Car and parts sales for buyers and enthusiasts all throughout the city.
* Lots of late-night crawls and vendor setups throughout the city.
* Swap-meet at Dolly’s Splash Country.
* Huge cash prizes for contest entries.
* ’32 Ford Hi-Boy Roadster “Alloway’s” as a prize as well.